Dual numbers
26 Feb 2022By horsing around on YouTube these days I found this video about dual numbers, which I found actually quite interesting. Since I have a computer engineering background, I immediately asked myself what can these numbers used for. It turns out, for some pretty nifty stuff.
What dual numbers are
Essentialy, they are expressions of the form1
Addition and multiplication are straightforward
If we define the conjugate of a dual number as we can define its absolute value as
And division is very similar to the complex numbers case
What are they useful for
There are various uses, but one example could be automatic differentiation.
As highlighted both in the previous video
and on Wikipedia, given any real polynomial it's straightforward to extend its to domain to the dual numbers, and then you can obtain the following
It appears the first derivative of the polynomial in x. Essentialy, you can in one pass compute both the value of a (polynomial) function and the value of its derivative in a specific point.
Trying to put everything into Haskell
For this I've used the GADTs
language extension, so that I can use all numeric types to build the Dual
The definition is pretty simple
data Dual a where
(:+) :: Num a => a -> a -> Dual a
eps :: Num a => Dual a
eps = 0 :+ 1 -- A little utility for later
Here it's necessary to define Dual a
and not only Dual
, otherwise we'll run into some problems when defining
instances. A downside of using a GADT is having to define manually (or standalone-derive) the Show
instance Show a => Show (Dual a) where
show (a :+ b) = show a <> " :+ " <> show b
So, dual numbers are numbers after all, so a Num
and a Fractional
instances won't hurt2, and they are pretty much a translation
of the rules we seen before
instance Num a => Num (Dual a) where
(a :+ b) + (c :+ d) = (a + c) :+ (b + d)
(a :+ b) * (c :+ d) = (a * c) :+ (a*d + b*c)
fromInteger n = fromInteger n :+ 0
negate x = fromInteger (-1) * x
abs (a :+ _) = abs a :+ 0
signum = undefined
instance Fractional a => Fractional (Dual a) where
fromRational n = fromRational n :+ 0
(a :+ b) / (c :+ d) = (a / c) :+ ((b*c - a*d) / c ^ 2)
Finally, we can test if it all works by using a simple polynomial function and its derivative
Let's try some random inputs
x | f(x) | f'(x) |
0 | 0 | -4 |
1 | -1 | 2 |
-1 | 7 | -10 |
7 | 119 | 38 |
3 | 15 | 14 |
-2 | 20 | -16 |
Finally, we can define all the necessary functions in Haskell
xs = [0, 1, -1, 7, 3, -2]
diff :: (Num a, Num b) => (Dual a -> b) -> Dual a -> b
diff f x = f (fromInteger x + eps)
xs' = map (diff f) xs
Now we get
ghci> mapM_ print xs'
0 :+ -4
-1 :+ 2
7 :+ -10
119 :+ 38
15 :+ 14
20 :+ -16
Which are all correct! We can see that the "real" part of the numbers is the value of f in the specific point, while the "epsilon" part is the value of f' in the same point.
I think it's really nice how these things arise from well defined and surprisingly simple rules and definitions.
The full code:
Notice the similarity with complex numbers
I haven't found if it's reasonable to talk about a signum
of a dual
number, so for now I'll leave it undefined, maybe I'll find something in the