
Supporting Data Owner Control in IPFS Networks

In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) — Denver, Colorado, June 9-13, 2024

Distributed systems are more common today than ever, and tools as IPFS allows users to upload their own data and retrieve it easily. But the intrinsic distributed nature takes away the ability of the users to delete and prevent access to these data to other people.

Hence, in this work we developed a solution that allows user to easily retain ownership of their data in a distributed scenario. This is implemented as a virtual file system, and it's based on my bachelor's thesis work.


    author = {Marco Abbadini and Michele Beretta and Sabrina
              De Capitani di Vimercati and Dario Facchinetti and Sara
              Foresti and Gianluca Oldani and Stefano Paraboschi and
              Matthew Rossi and Pierangela Samarati},
    booktitle = {Proceeding of the IEEE International
                 Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2024)},
    title = {Supporting Data Owner Control in IPFS Networks},
    year = {2024}